Regrettably, I have nothing particularly grand or noble to write about this evening, so I thought perhaps I would ramble a bit and tell you about life at the moment.
-First and foremost, I hope you have all noticed that September is over. (Wake up, Billie Joe.) This of course means that it is October, which is a very wonderful month. I've been working on a Halloween playlist, which I hope to share with you soon.
-I've been writing! A very little, but still, I am proud of myself. I'm working on a short vampire story (which may turn into a long vampire story). I have decided to go with a stream of consciousness style of narration, mostly inspired by having read Woolf's To the Lighthouse for my British Modernism class.
-I have been knitting a Slytherin scarf for a very dear friend. I haven't actually read all the Harry Potter books or seen all the films, but those I have read and seen I've enjoyed. Recently I took a quiz to see which house I fit into, and I also came out a Slytherin. Which was interesting to me, because I thought for certain I'd be Hufflepuff.
-I'd like you all to note this comparison. Here is the cover of a somewhat radical literary magazine published during Modernist period of Literature:
(via Wikipedia)
Does it remind you of anything? Because I think it is very similar to this. And that pleases me.
(via Sex Pistols Official Website)
-Related to this, I finally listened through Never Mind the Bollocks, Here's the Sex Pistols. I listened to it while grocery shopping yesterday. It was very pleasant.
That is all I have to say for the moment. I hope you are all doing well. If you aren't, I'm very sorry, and I hope that things will begin to change for the better. Good night.